How To Hide And Protect Your WiFi Password Using QR Code | Steps By Steps Tutorial

Are you the type that's so generous and kind to share your data with a friend via WiFi, and by so doing, your friend can easily see the password even without telling him/her. But if you Generate WiFi QR Code, your WiFi password will be fully secured.
Once you generate the WiFi QR Code and protect access on your android device, the receiver will need to scan the WiFi QR Code in order for he or she to be connected automatically.

How To Generate QR Code WiFi Access

  • Firstly, Generate QR Code Here.
  • Now input your WiFi SSID correctly (WiFi name or network name), WiFi password.
  • Then select the security type you're using for your WiFi (WEP, WPA/WPA2 or no encryption).
  • And lastly, choose any caption you want to use for the QR Code and just click in "Generate WiFi QR Code".
  • After successfully generating the code, download it with the provided link.

How To Connect To A Shared WiFi QR Code

The person you're sharing the QR Code with needs to Download Barcode Scanner to scan the QR Code. Once this is done the WiFi access would be connected automatically.

That's all, as you can now share the QR Code with anybody you wish to share WiFi with. And you can be rest assured of no one seeing the password.

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