We all knows Telegram has never fails to give it users new update and features. There is now a new update for the popular instant messenger - Telegram, available for both iOs and Android users. This new version 5.1.0 of Telegram can be downloaded from Google Playstore or App Store respectively.
Telegram v 5.1.0 has amazing new features that would make you want to stop using Whatsapp and jump on the Telegram bandwagon already. This latest version allows users to revoke messages and also to playback media at a faster speed.
Telegram has also made it possible for you to pin any poll you create so to get better reach and visibility to people. However, these polls are still anonymous for the time being, which means you can't see users who participated in the vote
iOS | Android
Telegram v 5.1.0 has amazing new features that would make you want to stop using Whatsapp and jump on the Telegram bandwagon already. This latest version allows users to revoke messages and also to playback media at a faster speed.
Telegram has also made it possible for you to pin any poll you create so to get better reach and visibility to people. However, these polls are still anonymous for the time being, which means you can't see users who participated in the vote
New Telegram v5.1.0 Features
- You can cancel messages before they deliver to the recipient.
- Create polls in groups and channels just right from the attachment menu
- Number of online members is shown even in very large groups
- The global search result on the app has been improved.
- There is updated security in this new version as you can now share contact without disclosing sensitive information.
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